A woman’s pregnancy can be a very difficult time.
There is the ongoing worry that something will go wrong with the child, in addition to the physical challenges of carrying a baby in the belly.
Fortunately, though, it usually works out nicely. In the same instant that you are permitted to keep your healthy newborn child, the person who worries and fears is replaced with relief.
Jennie Wilklow, on the other hand, was never forced to go through that relief.
Jennie’s pregnancy was comparatively uneventful. When she and her spouse waited for children, they received the same responses on every control: The youngster appeared to be doing well.
However, when Jennie had to enter and perform an emergency cesarean surgery in week 34, the cloud of concerns started to grow. Despite a successful procedure and delivery, Jennie’s daughter would shortly be found to have a problem.
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I heard her cry as they pulled her out, and they remarked, “She is so beautiful.” “Every mother wants to hear these words, so I relaxed and smiled,” Jennie said.
However, a few seconds later, the atmosphere in the room changed. The infant’s face changed.
When they witnessed what was occurring to the recently saved daughter, a number of nurses and physicians became immediately alarmed.
Her skin turned rock hard in a matter of seconds, despite their best efforts to help her. The skin started to fracture once it had solidified. Her body was covered in open sores as a result. I asked them if everything was well when I spotted their terrified faces behind the hills.
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Jennie was given tranquil medication that put her to sleep after the doctor reassured her that everything was under control.
A doctor told Jennie when she woke up a few hours later. It was discovered that Anna, her newborn daughter, had a disorder known as Harlequin ichthyosis.
When she understood how terrible the situation was, she turned to face her husband.
I was alarmed by my husband’s silence; he wasn’t surprised until the doctor departed. All he could say was, “This is bad.”
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The illness A genetic condition called harlequin ichthyosis causes the skin to develop roughly 14 times faster than usual. It causes redness throughout the body, affecting the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.
A few days after delivery, children with Harlequin ichthyosis typically pass away.
Nonetheless, survivors might anticipate a typical lifespan. Sadly, though, they are also more likely to experience issues and developmental delays, particularly in the area of motor abilities.
“I searched for information regarding her status for the next two days. I became aware of the low standard of living she would have to endure. Since I was at the most confused and lonely time in my life at the time, I gave myself permission to admit this thinking. “I thought it might be better if she died right then,” Jennie adds.
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However, it turned out that Jennie gave birth to a challenging young girl.
Anna survived with the support of her family and medical professionals.
After bringing her home, Anna’s parents tried their best to care for her.
Jennie describes the altercation during the initial days:
I bathed her for a few hours during the day and applied petroleum jelly to her every two hours. Even though it appeared so unimportant, I had been dreaming of my beloved daughter’s outfit for many years, and it was what I battled for the most.
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Anna offered her mother a whole different outlook on life in spite of the challenges:
I started to see that she would remain in development if I placed limitations on her potential. I choose to set the bar high for this reason. I came to the conclusion that the objectives were the same for me and that she should be free to do as she pleased.
Since then, Jennie has set up a single Instagram account where she chronicles her and her daughter’s journey through life.
“I now realize that the love I already have for my baby is the reason I got her. I was destined for Anna, and she was meant for me. Together, we will demonstrate to the world how beautiful life can be.
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How do you feel about the story of Jennie and Anna? They, in my opinion, demonstrate that in an otherwise chilly world, there is space for warmth, diversity, and love!
We have come a long way if we can accept that everyone is born differently and that some people do not look like everyone else, even though sometimes it is not everything that one has desired or anticipated.
It consequently means a lot that Jennie is so forthright and brave enough to share her and Anna’s past.