Nothing is more frightening to parents than witnessing their child suffer from a disease that could have been avoided. When something as innocent as a kiss is the cause of that sorrow, it becomes even more tragic. This was Michelle Saaiman’s reality when her 16-month-old son, Juwan, lost his sight in one eye due to irreversible damage caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) that he contracted in his cornea from a simple kiss.
When Michelle realized there was a problem with Juwan’s eye, her nightmare started. At first, she thought he might have gotten a little eye infection. She moved swiftly to try to relieve his agony by applying antibiotic drops. Michelle took Juwan to a specialist after the drops failed and his condition deteriorated. The information she was given was really heartbreaking.
The expert discovered that Juwan had contracted the herpes simplex virus, which is frequently linked to cold sores, in his cornea. The most probable reason? Juwan had unintentionally contracted the virus when someone kissed him close to his eye while suffering from an active cold sore. Michelle was in disbelief, unable to understand how something so obviously simple could have such a disastrous consequence. However, when the situation’s reality set in, she watched in despair as her son’s health continued to worsen.
Juwan’s cornea, the transparent, dome-shaped surface of his eye, became infected with the contagious Herpes simplex virus (HSV), which can cause a variety of illnesses. The virus caused serious harm after it had infected. Juwan’s cornea gradually “melted” as a result of the virus, leaving a 4 mm hole. Unfortunately, the damage was so great that his left eye became completely blind. The possibility that the virus would travel to Juwan’s brain or other eye and cause other potentially fatal complications was even more worrisome for Michelle and her husband.
Juwan showed incredible bravery in enduring the agonizing pain of the infection despite his young age. Michelle and her husband went above and beyond to help their kid, guiding him through a difficult course of therapy and accompanying him through grueling medical procedures. However, there was a significant financial and emotional cost.
Michelle and her family persevered despite this heartbreaking diagnosis. They contacted a number of medical professionals, including doctors in New York, to make sure Juwan had the best care possible. This involved weeks of medical treatments, some of which were emotionally taxing and difficult for the family. However, Juwan’s eye had sustained irreparable damage in spite of their best attempts. Even though the herpes virus was well contained, it had left Juwan with lifelong scarring, and there didn’t seem to be much chance of recovering his vision in that eye.
Michelle has stayed resilient and committed to spreading knowledge about the dangers of HSV transmission, particularly to young children, despite this challenging path. She has developed a strong belief that parents should use caution when kissing infants and toddlers, especially if they or someone around is suffering with an active cold sore.
Michelle highlighted the heartbreaking circumstances of Juwan’s situation in her widely shared Facebook post. She also urged other parents to be more aware of the dangers of spreading the herpes virus through something as simple as a kiss. Her tale has touched many parents worldwide, and her message went viral very fast. In order to assist the family in covering the enormous medical expenses they are incurring while they continue to treat Juwan, a fundraiser has been established.
Michelle’s message, “Kisses come from a place of love,” is straightforward but impactful. However, in this instance, that love resulted in a devastating loss. Even while Michelle is aware that the kiss was probably offered with the greatest of intentions, the tragic circumstances surrounding Juwan’s case have made her more conscious than ever of the significance of taking safety and health precautions for children.
She advises parents to be aware of the dangers of spreading viruses such as herpes, particularly to young children whose immune systems are still growing. She advises people to reconsider kissing a small child, particularly if cold sores are present, saying, “You can never be too cautious.”
Juwan’s story serves as a heartbreaking reminder of how quickly something as harmless as a kiss can have profound effects. Although Juwan’s loss of vision in one eye has saddened Michelle and her family, they are committed to spreading awareness and ensuring that no other child has to go through what they did. They want to keep others from going through the same nightmare by continuing to raise awareness of HSV and its possible risks.
The tale of the Saaiman family is a potent reminder to exercise caution at all times and to take the required precautions to keep our kids safe, especially when it comes to stopping the spread of contagious illnesses like herpes. A child’s wellbeing should never be sacrificed for the love that goes into each kiss.