Some people go above and beyond to make a difference in a society where kindness is sometimes concealed. We have gathered touching tales of genuine bravery, generosity, and selflessness for you to read today.
Story 1: Having recently moved to New York City alone at the age of 18, I was attempting to fit in with the local way of life after moving from a tiny Southern town. I had never taken the train before, and I didn’t know how to purchase a MetroCard.
There is a line of individuals attempting to purchase a card behind me as I stand at the single operational machine. I knew there were others waiting, so I was a little frightened. I started getting shouts of “Hurry up!” and “What, are you dumb?” from people in the line. My eyes began to well up with tears, which exacerbated my panic.
Then, this guy encouraged everyone to relax after stepping out of the line. He arrived, walked me through the process step-by-step, and bought me a 12-ride card. “The next time someone yells at you, yell back, and they’ll leave you alone,” he said, giving me a pat on the back. I didn’t feel that isolated at the time.
I doubt I would have stayed up there and enjoyed all the wonderful experiences I had if it weren’t for his generosity and advice. © Reddit/Wiffle_Snuff
Second Story:
I went to a bookstore with my cousins when I was around twelve years old. After purchasing a few books, we headed outside to begin reading them. After staring at us for ten minutes or so, the elderly man got up from the bench and entered the bookshop, even though he was still peering down at us.
He emerged with three gift cards around five minutes later. He smiled as he approached us and said, “I love seeing kids read,” before giving us each a $20 gift card. Never before have I felt so moved and shocked. © Reddit/GabeTheNerd
Narrative 3:
Story 4: I was driving home from work a few years ago when I ran out of petrol. I wasn’t completely obstructing traffic because I was able to move my car to the median. I had no money and no one to call, so I was stranded. Three people stopped to assist me.
The first guy asked me if I was okay, what was wrong, and whether I had any cash on me for things like gas. I showed him my check that I hadn’t yet cashed, so I had no money, and I told him that my car was out of petrol and that I had no means to drive to a gas station. After he departed, automobile number two arrived.
Car two: I spoke with her for a while, but she told me she couldn’t really assist me, so everything is OK.
Thus, an undercover police officer was the third person to stop. He was a really kind man who didn’t want to leave me there, so he helped me push my car in the direction of the grass and came up with solutions.
I was chatting to the policeman when the first automobile pulled up, got out, and gave me a full 10-gallon container of gas. I gave the man a lot of thanks and even offered to acquire his number so I could repay him. He declined, stating that there was actually no issue.
I’m grateful that this man spent his money on gas for me even though I didn’t ask him to. Regretfully, I will never have the opportunity to repay him. © Reddit/SkatinKate
Narrative 5:
Narrative 6:
I worked in a mall toy store over the Christmas season. My favorite video game’s emblem was displayed on a T-shirt worn by a teenage girl who entered. Because I had only ever seen that video game on men’s shirts, I admired her blouse and asked her where she acquired it. After telling me where she acquired it, she walked away.
She was waiting for me when I emerged from the break room after telling my boyfriend to get it for me for Christmas. “Happy Christmas!” she said, passing me a bag. “I hope I got the size right,” I said, and walked away. The shirt was the cutest thing ever; she had gone out and got it for me. © Reddit/Smile_for_the_Camera
Narrative 7:
Story 8: He was really charming while we were out on a date. “Sir, your card was declined,” the waitress remarked, glancing at him as the bill arrived. He became pale. Grinning, I made the payment.
The waitress took hold of my arm as we were leaving and muttered, “I lied.” After that, she gave me the receipt. “Google him” was written in furious handwriting when I turned it over. My blood ran cold as I looked up his name as soon as I got home. He was a phony.
There seemed to be a pattern to his behavior: he would date women, earn their trust, and then begin to steal from them. He had served several jail sentences for stealing, mostly from his prior employment. His approach to me was strikingly similar to one of his ex-girlfriends’ blog entries that described every stage of their relationship, including how they first met.
I am so appreciative of that waitress. She saved me from a horrible situation with her bravery, kindness, and fast thinking. I came to the realization that she had fabricated the incident involving the refused card in order to give me a reason to ignore that message.
That evening, she served more than just food. She issued a warning.
Narrative 9:
Story 10: On my walk home from school as a freshman, it rained a much. I chose to go through it as I had forgotten my umbrella.
This elderly woman, who was most likely in her 60s, approached me and gave me her umbrella. She gave me some life lessons as we strolled along until I arrived home. The stroll took about ten minutes. I wish I could thank her in person again. © Reddit/Unknown author