Even while you may believe you are with the correct person, you may not be. Love is a little strange in that regard; the person you think would be the best fit for you can turn out to be someone entirely different.
You’re not destined to be together just because you click physically and have a few interests. The depth of being with the right person is far greater than most people think. You should pay attention to the indications regarding your relationship and the course of events. Your relationship is not as good as you may have hoped if the majority are present.
We all have various desires, and we can’t help but be drawn to those who appeal to us, but occasionally we find ourselves in poisonous relationships and mistakenly call them love. Love isn’t going to break you or depress you. Yes, you can be with someone who puts in a lot of work, but that isn’t always enough. If these symptoms appear, you should break up and stop wasting your time.
11 Indications That You’re Not in the Right Relationship:
1. You ask this person questions all the time.
You’re constantly left wondering what this person’s motivations are. You are unable to identify them and simply do not know how to pin them down. For some reason, it seems like they simply won’t let you in. The reason behind this is that they prefer to keep you two apart.
2. You can never be sure what to anticipate from this individual.
You’re constantly on edge because of this person. You have no idea when they will arrive or what state of mind they will be in. They utterly ignore you and don’t care how you respond to their general demeanor. They can practically change over night, so you never know who you’ll be waking up next to every day.
3. You don’t feel safe the way you would like to.
You don’t feel safe around this individual. You are dissatisfied and believe the connection is lacking in a number of areas. You are aware that many things need to change, but you are unsure of where to start.
4. This individual always brings up the past.
This individual consistently turns your past against you. He or she won’t let it go and brings it up when they know it will pain them the most. They can and will use any weakness you have to control you.
5. You feel stuck because of this individual.
Being with this someone does not bring you joy. You simply feel as like you are at a loss on what to do. Figuring things out is difficult at best because you don’t know where you need to go and he or she won’t discuss the future.
6. You can’t really open up or chat to this individual.
You can’t get close enough to truly open up with this person. He or she makes you feel so isolated and frequently overlooks what you have to say. Even when you attempt to open up, it seems like they aren’t listening to what you have to say.
7. This individual seems to bring out the worst in you.
This someone does not bring out the best in you as they ought to. Rather, they exacerbate your worst emotions and make you question why you’re feeling so irrational. This may not always be the case, but it is frequently enough to have an impact.
8. This individual hurried the relationship a lot.
Compared to you, this person was far more eager to start a relationship. He or she did not allow you to pause and reflect. It all happened so quickly.
9. You are never taken into account by this guy.
This individual doesn’t pause to consider the impact of their actions on you. He or she simply does what they want and lets you work things out on your own. Eventually, you always manage to slip between the cracks.
10. You can’t be who you are around this individual.
Since this individual isn’t interested in getting to know you, you shouldn’t truly let them in. You are disconnected each time you reveal who you really are. No matter how hard you attempt to get out of your shell, you end up retracting.
11. There is no regard for one another between you two.
You and your privacy are not respected by this individual. He or she constantly pushes things too far and crosses your boundaries. You are completely out of sync.
When these things occur, we must acknowledge that we are dealing with a poisonous relationship and, despite the pain, end it. In the long term, it will be the most advantageous course of action, even though it may not be the simplest. He or she may claim that you’re giving up, but in reality, you’re making the decision to take control of your own life and happiness—something you’ve been yearning to do for a while.
Check out my new product, Language of Desire, if you want more than 200 SMS messages, phrases, and ideas to make your partner swoon over you. To accomplish exactly what you both want in and out of the bedroom, I give you detailed directions and a ton of precise words to utilize.
P.S. Women are unaware of this dirty secret about males, which is why so many guys “pull away” from them.