A cool and hydrating fruit, watermelon is particularly beneficial in hot weather. However, it might occasionally be difficult to locate the delicious watermelon. Here are some signs that a watermelon is ripe and ready to eat:
1.Locate the Sugar Spot
Two watermelons with their sugar spots—where the stalk connects to the fruit—can be seen in the picture. While the watermelon on the left is not ripe, the one on the right is.
The sugar spot on a watermelon should be tiny, dry, and a little recessed. This suggests that the watermelon is ripe and has reached a good stage of maturity while still on the vine. The fruit might not be completely ripe or might be overripe if the sugar spot is big or wet.
2.Look at a Consistent Color
Watermelons that are ripe should be bright green and free of rind blemishes or stains. The watermelon’s skin should have vivid green stripes and be uniformly pigmented.
3.Feel for the Proper Weight
For its size, a good watermelon should feel substantial. The heavier watermelons are usually more tasty and juicy, and they contain a lot of water.
4.Give the watermelon a tap.
Gently tapping a watermelon is one of the oldest methods for determining its ripeness. While an immature watermelon would sound more drab, a ripe one will produce a deep, hollow sound. The melon is full of water and ready to eat, based on the hollow sound.
5.Verify the Field Spot
Look at a yellow field spot, which is the spot where the watermelon was sitting on the ground while it was ripening. The field spot on a ripe watermelon is usually velvety and yellow. The watermelon could not be completely ripened if the spot is white or green.
6.Locate a Clean, Silky Rind
A ripe watermelon has a smooth rind free of gouges and scrapes. Large cuts or soft patches could indicate the fruit has been handled too much or is starting to spoil, but minor imperfections are OK.
In conclusion
Finding a small, dry sugar spot, examining the consistent color of the skin, feeling the weight, tapping for a hollow sound, and looking for the field spot are all ways to choose a ripe watermelon with red, sweet, and paper-thin flesh.