In order for me to maintain my hard-won job, my husband vowed to stay at home and raise our baby when he asked for one. However, once our baby was born, he had a change of heart and attempted to make me give up all I had fought so hard to achieve.
I believed I knew exactly who I was constructing my future with when I married Nick.
Prior to getting married, we had been dating for five years. Five years of good times. We always felt like we were on the same team, laughed a lot, and fought infrequently.
Nick has the ability to light up a room with his charm and humour. He was employed in marketing. Stable, although not exactly his ideal work. In contrast, I worked as a lawyer. An excellent one. I rose through the ranks of a prestigious law firm, managing well-known cases and earning more money than Nick ever did.
And that was okay with us.
Having a son was the only thing Nick ever appeared to be genuinely passionate about.
He would remark, “I can already picture it.” “Giving him everything I never had, including fixing up a car together and teaching him baseball.”
He would talk endlessly about it while beaming like a child. All he ever desired was that.
Me? I had nothing against children. However, I wasn’t rushing either. It was all about my career. I was where I was because I had put in too much work.
I was never pushed by Nick. The largest promise of all was really made by him.
He once assured me, “I’ll stay at home with our boy when we finally have him.” “You’ve put in too much effort to abandon this. I’ll take on the role of dad full-time.
I recall looking at him, moved.
“Are you certain?” I enquired.
He answered without hesitation, “Of course.” “This is what I want. Every every day, I want to be there. How about you? You carry on with your routine. We’ll make the ideal team.
I trusted him.
And I eventually said yes because I trusted him. We made an effort.
It took some time to happen. I didn’t see the two pink lines for two years. Nick was ecstatic.
“A boy! I simply know it! I was lifted off the ground and spun around as he yelled.
Following the doctor’s confirmation, Nick became a full-fledged father. He informed everyone. His parents, coworkers, friends from the gym, and even the grocery store cashier.
He would proudly declare, “I’m going to be a stay-at-home dad.” “The best job ever.”
I cherished witnessing his happiness.
Although being pregnant was difficult, it was made easier by Nick’s excitement. Together, we decorated the nursery. He studied baby care books. He was so focused on doing it correctly that one night he even rehearsed swaddling a plush bear.
Nick was quite anxious when the contractions began. Everything felt worthwhile when I finally held our son in my arms, despite the fact that I was in pain, worn out, and experiencing every emotion imaginable.
Nick dabbed at his eyes. “He is flawless.”
“This is it,” I thought. We made plans for this. This is what we’re actually doing. For a little moment, the dream seemed genuine as we brought our kid home. Then things began to shift.
The first week passed quickly, filled with infant turmoil and restless nights. Even though I was worn out, I kept telling myself that Nick had this. We work as a team.
Then the justifications began.
It was the same thing every night. Nick would pause while the baby cried. Nick would sigh and remark, “I think he needs you more than me,” if I didn’t pick him up immediately.
It began to infiltrate the daylight as well.
Can you quickly transform him? I simply took a seat.
“Are you able to take over? I’m suffering from a headache, and he is fussy.
He’s just adjusting, I reminded myself despite my exhaustion from juggling work emails and nursing.
But everything changed one night.
I was using one arm to nurse our son while using the other to type an email while I sat on the couch. I couldn’t afford to disregard a partner’s question on a matter at the firm.
After entering, Nick leaned against the doorframe and observed me for a while. He continued in the most informal way possible, saying, “To be honest, I’ve been thinking… maybe you should quit work.” Simply spend all of your time at home with him.
I thought he was kidding, so I laughed a little.
I noticed that he was grinning when I looked up.
“Oh, hurry up,” he said. “You didn’t believe I was sincere about remaining at home, did you? Every mother stays at home. I assumed it would start, whether it was your innate instinct or anything.
I inhaled deeply.
I said as quietly as I could, “Nick.” “Remember the promise you made to me? I wouldn’t have to give up my career, you claimed. You stated that you would be the parent that stays at home.
“Strategies change,” he whispered.
I tightened my jaw. “No. You evolved.
He shrugged, utterly unconcerned. “I merely had the thought… I’m not sure. I assumed you would feel different when the baby was born.
“Do you feel different?” Now I was raising my voice. “I started my career from scratch, Nick. It took me a long time to become an attorney. I put in a lot of work. You were aware of that. That wouldn’t have to alter, you assured me.
Nick shook his head as if I didn’t understand. You see, I simply believe that the baby needs you more. It’s not like I’m trying to be cruel. I simply believe it is self-centred for a mother to prioritise her career over her child.
I felt like I was slapped by the word.
“Egocentric?” I said it again.
“Come on,” he urged. “You understand what I mean.”
I clutched the edge of the table till my fingers ached while I gazed at him. That was it. The instant my entire being broke.
Alright. I’d give up. but according to my terms.
Nick was at the kitchen table the following morning, looking through his phone.
I sat down across from him, poured myself a cup of coffee, and talked gently.
“You’re correct,” I replied. “I’ll give up my job.”
Nick’s head jerked upward. Like a child on Christmas morning, his eyes glowed.
“Really?” he asked.
I grinned. Yes. However, there is one requirement.
Leaning closer, he awaited a charming little agreement.
“We file for divorce on the same day that I quit.”
His grin vanished.
As I sipped my coffee, I let my words to fully register. “I will never respect you again if I give up. Nick, you didn’t keep your promise. You gave me the impression that we were partners, but as soon as things became serious, you changed your mind. Therefore, you will pay child support based on the salary I should have been earning, but I will quit my employment. And since I won’t raise my son with a man who breaks his word, I’ll assume full custody.
Nick blinked. “You’re not being sincere.”
I cocked my head. Yes, I am. And believe me, the court will enjoy hearing how you coerced me into resigning after promising to take care of the kids.
He opened his mouth, then closed it again. He was totally disoriented, as if he hadn’t anticipated my retaliation.
He packed a bag and headed to his parents’ place that evening. I’m good with that.
My phone rang in the afternoon after that. Nick’s mother.
I let out a sigh before responding. “Hello, Susan.”
“Know that we’re on your side, honey,” she added softly.
I was surprised by that. “Pardon me?”
She let out a sigh. “Nick filled us in on everything.” Let’s also assume that his father had some things to say to him.
I took a seat. “What sort of words?”
She paused, and then I could hear his father complaining in the background.
His father yelled, “He made a promise.” It’s difficult, so he can’t just back out. He believes he can simply take away the career that woman fought so hard to build? He promised to stay at home. Everyone.
A strange mixture of disbelief and joy pulled my lips together.
Susan returned to the call. “He feels ashamed. And truthfully? He ought to be.
“Yes,” I said. “He ought to.”
Nick returned home a few days later.
He had changed appearance. less noisy. He rubbed his hands together as he sat down across from me.
“I was afraid,” he said. “I panicked when things got difficult, even though I thought I could handle it. I don’t know why, but I tried to force it on you. I simply assumed it would be simpler.
I folded my arms. “Who finds it easier?”
He let out a breath. “For myself.”
At last. A little truthfulness.
Nick gave me a glance. “I was mistaken. Now I see that. I apologise as well. I’d like to put this right.
I saw my husband for the first time since the baby was born. We gathered and established new guidelines.
I maintained my career. Nick took the initiative — took the initiative. He prepared meals, nursed the infant at night, and took care of him. A part-time nanny was hired to cover my long workdays.
After several months, Nick was able to fulfil his lifelong dream of becoming a father.
Is it flawless? No. However, it is real.
I also remind him that “I was serious about the divorce, you know,” whenever things become difficult.
Nick smiles. “Yes, and I will never take that chance again.”
The lesson is to always keep your word, especially when speaking with a lawyer.