I have a lot of respect for those who demonstrate that age is but a number.
Seeing older individuals question the notion that age is a factor makes me happy, regardless of whether they ride bikes, climb mountains, or play video games.
Given her appearance, you might not be surprised that she has been referred to for years as “the world’s most beautiful grandmother.” However, she also exemplifies how beauty is not limited to youth.
Yazemeenah Rossi Make-up; Yolanda Price; Julia SHModel; Renee Lindell Leather & Crystal Harness
Renee Lindell published this on Sunday, May 22, 2016.
Yazemeenah Rossi was born in Corsica, France, on December 21, 1955, and has appeared on magazine covers all around the world. You may have even seen her in advertisements, enjoying her presence without really giving her age or identity much thought.
She has also worked as an actor over the years, making appearances in films like The Grasslands, Timeless Beauty, and Relevator.
READ MORE: At 73, famous model Twiggy
The world’s most beautiful girl shares an amazing 10-year challenge shot.
Aspiring models are frequently forced to work for little pay or without pay at the beginning of their modeling careers in an attempt to build a sizable portfolio. However, in contrast to the industry usual, Yazemeenah’s success came relatively quickly.
Instead of starting her modeling career in her teens as most models do, the French actress and model started modeling when she was already over 30, which is when most models retire.
“When women support eachother incredible things happen” Yazemeenah Rossi, you have my undying love! Being surrounded by so many #amazingwomen is a blessing.
Wendy Both published this on Monday, September 12, 2016.
reveals the key to her attractiveness
Yazemeenah was already demonstrating that being a model did not require youth, a fact she would further establish over the ensuing three decades.
At the age of 20, I was a stay-at-home mom to two children, knitting, sewing, and designing interiors for friends and private customers. She stated in 2020, “Even when I was raising my kids, I was very active and independent because I knew since I was a teenager that I would never work in an office or stay in one place all my life.”
She claims that the model industry is still largely for young people, despite the fact that she has been able to work as a model consistently throughout the years.
Yazemeenah RossiNO retouching, modeling, editing, styling, and photography 🙂
Yazemeenah Rossi published this on Saturday, April 11, 2015.
“A few years ago, I began to believe that things would start to shift gradually and that we would see more older models, but that did not materialize. Though males may not discuss it as much, I do think that men and women share similar worries about aging. Nobody enjoys watching their skin deteriorate due to gravity. At the same time, growing older is a wonderful thing because it makes you stronger, Yazemeenah said to Vice.
4-lug in 2005 Yasmina Rossi NY photo of Beppe Lopetrone from BeppeSpledida donna. Grazie Yazmina
Mauro D’Orazi posted this on Wednesday, November 11, 2009.
“Age is undoubtedly a mental state. You can maintain that vitality and recharge your batteries if you are in touch with your inner kid. There are no actual “magic tricks” to keep you appearing young, she adds, so you need to have a dynamic, adventurous, and inquisitive mindset.
READ MORE: At 73, famous model Twiggy
The world’s most beautiful girl shares an amazing 10-year challenge shot.
Many people who see this stunning woman are certain that she has had surgery. Some people claim that when you are around 70 years old, it is difficult to still seem that young and attractive.
To date, I have not undergone any cosmetic surgery. I don’t think it makes much sense to get surgery while I’m in excellent health.
Yazemeenah Rossi posted this on Saturday, September 5, 2009.
The stunning and classic Yasmina Rossi has received recognition over the years for embracing and appreciating her beauty as it was.
Oil is something I apply to my skin. I sprayed my hair with rapeseed oil. She told The Potion Tree, “I eat an avocado every day, organic meat, and fish, and I scrub my skin once a week with olive oil and fine sugar.”
The 68th birthday of Yazemeenah is December 2023.
Designers of fashion! Are you prepared to start filming your upcoming collection? Contact photographer Tim Sabatino attim@timsabatino.com to make a reservation right now. Visit https://buff.ly/2I2VxHj to learn more.
Tim Sabatino Fine Art published this on Saturday, March 24, 2018.
“I will continue to model until the end of my life,” she told The Daily Mail, adding, “but it’s not about modeling, it’s about witnessing, witnessing beauty, energy makes us alive.” She isn’t going to slow down, either.
Every stage of life has its own special beauty and meaning, thus older ladies should be proud of their bodies!
Being proud of your body is essentially a statement of your value as a person, a protest against ageism, and an acknowledgment of the beauty that comes with growing older. It is a celebration of their strength and the path they have traveled, encouraging people to love and appreciate their own bodies.
It is quite inspiring to see this woman. To let your friends know that age is just a number, click the “share” button!