“Dad, immediately cancel my allowance, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out the window, and take my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPod, and laptop,” my daughter stated as she entered the living room.
Kindly donate all of my jewelry to Cash Converters or the Salvation Army. After that, sell my new automobile, take away my front door key, and evict me from the house.
Then reject me and don’t speak to me ever again.
Additionally, remember to leave my portion to my brother and write me out of your will.
She didn’t really say it that way, though. She uttered…
“This is my new boyfriend, Dad.”
Dad’s SMS message from the daughter
The daughter texted her father, saying, “Get your checkbook ready, Daddy. I’m coming home to get married soon.” Haha! As you are aware, he is in the US and I am in Australia. We had lengthy conversations on WhatsApp, became friends on Facebook, and met on a dating service.
We’ve been dating on Viber for two months after he proposed to me on Skype. I need your approval, well wishes, and a huge wedding, Dad. Lilly, lots of love.
Father’s response: Father’s response: Dear Lilly, Like, “Wow!” Really? Awesome! In any case… I recommend that you two get married on Twitter, enjoy yourself on Tango, register for your Amazon items, and pay for everything using PayPal. Additionally, you can sell your new husband on eBay if you’re tired of him. Much love, Dad.
I hope you’ll laugh at this joke! Enjoy your day!